Toddler Won’t Fall Asleep? The “Sleepy Game” is the Answer!

Having a toddler that won’t fall asleep can be exhausting. Fear not! The Sleepy Game is a simple yet effective method that blends play with essential sleep techniques. By adding this game to your daily routine, you can make bedtime smoother and more enjoyable for your child.

two toddlers learning how to fall asleep at bedtime with Tiny Duck Parenting's the "Sleepy Game"

Understanding The Sleepy Game

Tiny Duck Parenting’s “Sleepy Game” helps create a playful and structured bedtime environment. Additionally, this game teaches children the skills they need to fall asleep on their own. Here’s how it works:

First and foremost, the game incorporates fun activities that engage your toddler’s imagination. As a result, they start to associate bedtime with positive experiences rather than stress. Furthermore, the game includes calming routines like gentle storytelling or soft music, which helps signal that it’s time to wind down. Practice the “Sleepy Game” while going through your toddler’s bedtime routine. Consequently, your child begins to understand and anticipate the cues for bedtime.

1. Say Goodnight to Stuffed Animals: First, begin by encouraging your toddler to say goodnight to their favorite stuffed animals or toys. Tuck each one in and sing a gentle goodnight song, similar to your child’s bedtime routine. This activity helps children grasp the concept of winding down and getting ready for sleep.

2. Pretend Play with Stuffed Animals: Encourage your child to have their stuffed animal practicing staying in bed while using these relaxing tactics:

    • Wiggle toes slowly and take deep breaths in and out: Encourage your child and their stuffed animal to wiggle their toes slowly and take deep breaths. This method relaxes both body and mind, making it easier to fall asleep.
    • Quietly sing a song: Soft singing can soothe your child and help them enter a calm state, perfect for drifting off to sleep.
    • Snuggle stuffed animal and get cozy: Giving your child their favorite stuffed animal creates a comfortable and secure environment, essential for feeling ready to sleep. Stick with one stuffy per hand- and keep them consistent each night.
    • Think of a dream to have: Suggest that your child think about special things to dream about, like unicorns, a museum, a trip to the moon, or an adventure. Imaginative and positive thoughts can reduce anxiety and promote pleasant dreams.


3. Reinforce Staying in Bed: Next, remind the stuffed animal to stay in bed and that they can fall asleep on their own at bedtime and in the middle of the night. This reinforces the idea that staying in bed is important for falling asleep.

4. Transition to Real Bedtime: Lastly, have your little one get in their bed and go through these steps as well. You can also pretend to go to sleep in their bed and practice staying in while your little one pretends to be the grown-up. This role reversal can make the process more engaging and help children feel empowered.

The Benefits of the “Sleepy Game”

Additionally, the “Sleepy Game” is more than just a fun activity; moreover, it’s a valuable tool for teaching children important sleep skills. Furthermore, here’s how it benefits your child:

  1. Learning Through Play: Children learn best through play, and the “Sleepy Game” leverages this natural inclination. By turning bedtime routines into a game, children are more likely to engage and absorb the lessons being taught.
  2. Developing Self-Soothing Techniques: The tactics used in the “Sleepy Game”, such as deep breathing and thinking of pleasant dreams, teach children how to self-soothe. Ultimately, these skills are crucial for falling asleep independently and staying asleep through the night.
  3. Reducing Bedtime Resistance: When bedtime becomes a predictable routine that is consistently practiced during the day, it feels less like a chore. In contrast, learning through play not only reduces resistance but also makes the transition to sleep smoother and more enjoyable for both the child and the parent. Therefore, incorporating playful elements into the bedtime routine can significantly enhance the overall experience.
  4. Encouraging Imagination: Thinking of special things to dream about encourages imagination and creativity making bedtime more fun and helping children develop a positive association with sleep.
  5. Building a Consistent Routine: When it comes to success, consistency is key. The “Sleepy Game” provides a structured yet flexible framework that can be easily incorporated into your nightly routine, helping to establish a sense of predictability and security.

Tips for Implementing the “Sleepy Game”

To get the most out of the “Sleepy Game,” consider these tips:

  1. Make It a Daily Routine: Consistency is key. Try to incorporate the “Sleepy Game” into your daily routine, ideally at the same time each day. This helps reinforce the habits and skills your child is learning. Play the Sleepy Game for a week, while also reminding your little one at bedtime to use the “Sleepy Game” skills. 
  2. Be Patient and Positive: Learning new skills takes time. Be patient with your child and offer plenty of positive reinforcement and encouragement. Celebrate small successes along the way.
  3. Adapt to Your Child’s Needs: Every child is different. Feel free to adapt the “Sleepy Game” to suit your child’s preferences and needs. The goal is to make bedtime a positive and stress-free experience.
  4. Model Good Sleep Habits: Children learn by example. Model good sleep habits yourself, such as maintaining a consistent bedtime, practicing relaxation techniques, and creating a calm sleep environment.
  5. Keep It Fun and Lighthearted: The “Sleepy Game” should be enjoyable for both you and your child. Keep the tone lighthearted and playful, and don’t be afraid to get silly and have fun.

The “Sleepy Game” is an excellent way to help your toddler learn to fall asleep independently. By integrating play with essential sleep techniques, this game makes bedtime routines more enjoyable and effective. The goal is to create a positive and stress-free environment where your child can practice healthy sleep habits. With patience, consistency, and a bit of fun, bedtime can be a smoother and more delightful experience for the whole family. Happy sleeping!


Mom happy because toddler is falling asleep at bedtime!

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About The Author

Picture of Jennie


Jennie is a certified sleep consultant with a background in Child and Adolescent Studies who specializes in teaching toddlers and children to choose to stay in their open bed, fall asleep independently, and sleep through the night. After earning her Bachelor of Science in Child and Adolescent Studies, and spending time in the classroom, she decided to follow her passion and move to New York City to become a professional theatre actress. Between shows, she worked as a nanny. One family had a toddler that couldn’t fall asleep without help, he refused to nap and would wake-up multiple times a night. Frustrated by the lack of resources for toddler sleep issues she became a certified sleep consultant. Relying on her education and experience, she then created Week to Sleep geared for toddlers in an open bed.

Jennie has helped so many families across the country make bedtime easy and enjoyable. She has been featured on Mommy Mingle, Parentville, corporate Google, and buybuybaby. Jennie’s favorite part of working with families is when a toddler runs to their parents in the morning exclaiming, “I did it, I am SO proud of me!